Emirates suspends all flights to Italy

Business Desk :
Emirates suspended all flights to Italy and it will operate its last flight from Rome of Italy on Saturday.
Earlier, it suspended flights between Dubai and Venice on March 11, Milan and Bologna on March 13. As a result there will be no flight between Dubai and Italy from March 15, according to a media release.
Emirates has been implementing thermal screening measures for all passengers travelling on US flights departing from Dubai International Airport, effective from Thursday night.
Thermal scanners are placed at departure gates for all US gateways. This is in addition to the thermal screenings done for all passengers on arrival as they pass through customs.
The measures are being taken as part of the airline’s overall response to the latest developments around the COVID-19 pandemic.
Emirates plans to gradually roll out thermal screening procedures for all of its flights departing Dubai to ensure the health and safety of its passengers.
In addition to thermal screening procedures at the airport, Emirates has also implemented proactive and voluntary measures to ensure a safe flying experience with enhanced cleaning and complete disinfection protocols in over 248 aircraft departing Dubai each day.
The airline’s comprehensive cleaning process includes a thorough wiping down all cabin surfaces, in addition to other normal procedures such as changing head rest covers on all seats, replacement of reading materials, vacuuming, amongst other cleaning activities, the release added.
On any aircraft found to have transported a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case, Emirates implements further deep cleaning including the defogging of cabin interiors and misting with disinfectant across all soft furnishings, and replacement of seat covers and cushions in the affected area.
The aircraft’s state-of-the-art air circulation system, utilising HEPA cabin air filters, will also be replaced.
Emirates flight updates are available on its website.