Emerging new technology in business


Taslim Ahammad :
It is difficult to imagine a successful business that does not rely on technology in some way. No matter what the size of enterprise, technology has both tangible and intangible benefits that will help to make money and produce the results of customers demand. As the years go by, the business world is leaning more and more toward it, making it almost impossible to separate the two from each other. Innovation breeds business, and since technology paves the way for it, it can be gathered here that business needs technology to be sustained.
Technology may be defined as the entities, both material and immaterial, created by the application of mental and physical effort in order to achieve some value. In this usage, technology refers to tools and machines that may be used to solve real-world problems.
The current new technologies that are of most interest to sociologists are the information and communications technologies based on micro-electronics, the application of which is said by some to be revolutionizing the organization of work. Emerging technologies are technologies that are perceived as capable of changing the status quo.
Emerging technologies include a variety of technologies such as educational technology, information technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, cognitive science, psych technology, robotics, and artificial intelligence.
Business has constantly existed since the early times of man. Even though it only began with the simplistic barter system, business would not be the same as it is today without the advancements in technology. All the major industries would fall into a catastrophic collapse if one were to take away technology from business, since majority of business operations and transactions somehow involve the practise of technology.
Automation of operations – Automation may arise in numerous areas such as when staying in touch with customers, tracking packages for delivery, or noting miles driven by delivery truck drivers. Many companies are moving training programs to automated web-based programs and company education centres, which makes it easier for employees to learn new information and expand personal skills. It also allows people to repeat modules without costing the business any more in training expenses.
Improve business communication – Communication is one of the main drivers of a business. Communication helps in the flow of information within a business. The use of communication technology can simplify the flow of information between a business and its customers, suppliers, employees, and investors. A business can use communication technology tools like electronic mail, mobile phones, and text messaging services, social networks to engage and collect relevant data.
Employee monitoring- Businesses may better manage large teams using technology. Applications track customer service call times, which helps managers understand where lag times exist and provide opportunities for coaching. Speed and GSP tracking of drivers support a positive public image of employees who realize they can’t get away with poor behaviour. The right technology automatically tracks sales numbers and potential sales, which gives managers control of leading indicators rather than lagging late.
Planning – Planning governs the sequences of operations needed to complete a particular task. Preparation is the backbone of most production systems. Once a business decides to use technology as a way of improving on its services and productions, the manager and his technical team have to create a plan on how to use this technology to gain competitive advantage and increase on their return on investment.
Implementing technology in a business can be costly, so there has to be a plan on how to make money and get back all the investment added in this new technology.
Overall business efficiency – Businesses function more efficiently when they use technology correctly.
Digitizing files makes it easy to customize documents such as user agreements and contract templates. Communication is instant with email and the ability to send documents back and forth during negotiations. Customers can get information on websites and request information any time of the day or night using online methods.
A link to the world – Business needs communication, transportation, and more fields, making it a complex web of processes. The technologies pertaining to other fields only pushed business further. Globalization has been realized because of the wonders of technology. Anyone can now do business anywhere within being constricted to the four corners of his room.Technology in business made it possible to have a wider reach in the world market.
Technology as a business necessity – The role of technology in business caused a tremendous growth in trade and commerce. Business concepts and models were revolutionized as a result of the introduction of technology.
This is because technology gave a new and better approach on how to go about with business. It provided a faster, more convenient, and more efficient way of performing business dealings.
Security and support – Data maystore with ease and integrity. With this, confidential and sensitive information are less prone to vulnerabilities. The said information can also be instantly retrieved and analysed to monitor trends and make forecasts, which can be crucial in decision-making procedures.
Manage human resource – A business may use the internet to recruit skilledlabour. Nowadays their so many job portals which allow business post jobs for free and get applicants. Human resource managers can use technology to assign tasks to new employees and test them; the same technology can be used to monitor the performance and behaviour of the worker.
A business that has the technological capacity to research new opportunities will stay a step ahead of its competition. The Internet allows a business to virtually travel into new markets without the cost of an executive jet or the risks of creating a factory abroad. Indeed, technology in business ultimately made living worthwhile.

(Taslim Ahammad is Assistant Professor, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University (BSMRSTU), Gopalganj, Bangladesh).
