Eliminating Inequality Zakat Can Be The Best Useful Tool


Majhar Mannan :
Inequality comes in many forms and the most obvious of these is financial inequality. Financial inequality breaks the backbone of a society and exposes class divisions. There are various measures to eliminate inequality in the society. The best of them is to pay Zakat. One thing to keep in mind is that giving zakat does not mean showing compassion to the poor, zakat is the right of the poor which has been repeatedly mentioned in the Qur’an. Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam. The Qur’an gives clear instructions as to who is obligated to pay Zakat. The Qur’an attaches great importance to the payment of Zakat. The word zakat has been used many times in the Holy Qur’an.
Zakat is Arabic word which means purification, sanctification, etc. A list of those who receive Zakat is mentioned in the Qur’an. They are: fakir, miskin, person engaged in zakat collection and distribution, any non-Muslim (if in extreme financial crisis), slave, debtor, traveler (who suffers in extreme financial hardship while traveling) and those who work in the way of Allah. These aspects of Zakat distribution are mentioned in verse 60 of Surah At-Tawba of the Holy Qur’an. Zakat has been considered as the main financial act of worship in Islam. Zakat is considered to be the mainstay of Islamic finance. Equitable distribution of money in the society is accelerated through Zakat. In Surah Noor, verse- 56 it has been mentioned that Zakat should be paid. Zakat builds bridges between the rich and the poor.
The importance of Zakat is immense in maintaining economic stability. Verse 162 of Surah An-Nisa says that those who pay Zakat according to the rules of Islam will get a great reward from Allah. There is no fixed time obligation to collect Zakat. However, the month of Ramadan is considered to be the best month to pay Zakat. Zakat plays a unique role in alleviating the poverty of the society and the state. Zakat prevents wastage of money and ensures a balanced economy. Many may think that paying Zakat will reduce his money and he may become poor. But this is a big misconception. The provision of Zakat in the Qur’an is very tolerable. A certain portion of a person’s income is to be paid at a certain time. Those who receive zakat are our relatives, our kin. This zakat creates a great opportunity for brotherhood in the society. Zakat has many benefits such as 1. The one who pays zakat receives the love and mercy of Allah. 2. Zakat purifies the mind 3. If Zakat is given, the income is purified 4. Zakat encourages legitimate and halal earnings. 5. Zakat eliminates social inequality and brings equality.6. Zakat makes bridges between rich and poor. 7. Zakat creates a sense of responsibility. 8. Since Zakat is a right, it guarantees the rights of the poor. 9. Zakat has a unique role in the formation of a just society. 10. The one who pays zakat fears Allah so he rejects bad earnings. 11. Zakat makes the poor and helpless smile.
 The income of all the people of a state or society is not equal. Depending on the situation, some people earn more and some people earn very limited. But there are some people in the society who cannot earn. There are provisions for zakat for all these people.
Today human civilization is crushed in the pressure of globalization and capitalism. Inequality is evident in capitalist society. The capitalists become the exploiting class and the rest continue to be exploited. However, there should be discipline in paying zakat. There have also been incidents of people being trampled to death while paying zakat. In the case of paying Zakat, the electoral image is often enlarged which is not expected at all. Zakat should be paid as quietly as possible. Islam does not allow paying zakat by beating drums and playing mics.
However, the payment of zakat can be done individually, institutionally and nationally. The Zakat Fund was established in 1982 by the Government of Bangladesh. Bangladesh has made a lot of progress in paying Zakat, both institutionally and nationally. Institutional Zakat Fund needs to be further enriched. There needs to be an accurate survey of who is eligible to receive zakat in Bangladesh. If there is an accurate survey, it is possible to find out the number.
As a Muslim, one has to pay Fitra along with Zakat. The greatest requirement in paying Zakat and Fitra is sincerity. You can never be happy alone. There is no joy in living a life of self-indulgence without serving the person next to you. According to John Stuart Mill, personal happiness is fulfilled only when it merges with other’s happiness.

(Majhar Mannan is Assistant Professor, B A F Shaheen College Kurmitola, Dhaka Cantonment).
