Electrician electrocuted 3 others injured in Bagerhat


Bagerhat Correspondent :

One electricity worker was electrocuted and Three others were seriously injured at Basabati electricity supply grid lines office area in Bagerhat district town while they were repairing 32 thousand voltage grid lines on Sunday evening following the switching on the lines from office room withought the knowledge of the concerned persons.
It is learnt from the locals and Bagerhat Sadar Hospital sources that on Sunday under the auspices of a contractor farm named Energy Pack Four electricity workers were engaged in the repairing works of the high voltage grid lines after switching off the lines. In the evening when the repairing work was almost completed, one Surav, a Sub-Assistant Engineer of the contractor farm suddenly switched on the lines from the office room without informing the working workers of the matter. As a result, all the 4 workers were shocked with high voltage electricity. Consequently, one of them named Md. Badal (38) died on the spot. He was the son of one Abdul Mannan of village Bayetkhan under Kaukhali Upazila in Pirojpur district. The other injured workers are Raju, Mohsin and one unidentified. They were admitted to the emergency department of Bagerhat Sadar Hospital immediately for their treatment. But after taking the first aid treatment they were hurriedly taken away from the Hospital by the contractor farm Energy Pack by its own vehicle and fled away. Pallab and Saurav, Two Sub-assistant Engineers of the Energy Pack also went into hide.
Just after the incident when contacted K M Azizul Haq, Officer-in-charge of Bagerhat Sadar Model PS told the newsmen that police would do its duty.
