Election manipulation denies people’s participation in governance


THE nation saw yet another controversial election to local municipalities leaving people to wonder what good purpose it would serve except tightening the ruling party’s control over local politics. This election was almost a selection exercise of ruling party nominees like previous elections and we are afraid such practice will only deprive the people of having representative institutions. It cannot be good for the government to acquire a popular base for power. The withdrawal of 49 mayoral candidates in the just concluded municipal election to protest widespread violence, irregularities and expulsion of opposition polling agents by ruling party men simply showed it was not free and fair and acceptable to people. Many had their doubts from the beginning that the election in 234 municipalities across the country would be a sham because of the ruling party’s control over the election process including the Election Commission and the fear came out largely true. As per the EC results, ruling party nominated candidates won 179 mayoral posts while their main rivals from the BNP got 21 and AL rebels 19 posts. It was landslide victory for the Awami League to verify that the opposition has no more place in electoral ground. Media disclosure that ruling party men resorted to stuffing ballot papers in at least 80 municipalities has made the election results a farce. At many places BNP polling agents were expelled as local administration was allegedly looking on. The suspension of election in Narsingdi Municipality where ruling party men had locked in fights with Awami League rival candidate and postponement of voting in 38 polling centers of 18 municipalities showed the serious crisis even within the ruling party establishment. The indication is clear why the police and local administration did not allow journalists to monitor polling despite the EC assurance about it. Police had earlier said they would not allow journalists to polling centers and they prevailed making their role controversial. At least 15 journalists were beaten and their gears vandalized in absence of their protection from ruling party men as news report said. It was very sad which has not only damaged the credibility of the EC and the local administration; it has also destroyed the credibility of the entire election.It is worrying for every sensible citizen to see the government is making it so clear that it does not depend on the people to vote freely. This is a terrible weakness of the government for the self-seekers to exploit to the great disadvantage of the government. 
