11th Parliamentary election: Election campaign launches in Port City

Chattogram Bureau :
The incumbent lawmaker and Awami league nominee from Chattogram-12 constituency MA Latif begins election campaign in Agrabad area on Monday after allowing him Boat symbol by the Election commission office. Among others AL leader Md. Ishaq, Mahbubul Hoque Miah, JL leaders Devashish Paul, acting secretary of city BCL Zakaria Dastagir and local councilors joined the rally.
The speakers in the rally urged upon all irrespective of caste and creed to participate the election campaign of the incumbent lawmaker for his victory in the coming election aimed at fulfilling the vision-2021 of the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Barrister Nowfel exchanges
 views with Jubo League
Awami League nominee for Chattogram-9 Constituency Barrister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury Nowfel exchanges views with the leaders and workers of Juba League(JL) at a city community centre in Jamal Khan area in the port city on Monday .
Convener of JL City Unit Mohiuddin Bachchu presided over it and it was attended by CDA Chairman Abdus Salam, central JL Presidium Member Syed Mahmudul Hoque, JL leaders Delwar Hossain and Farid Mahmud as special guests.
The speakers on the occasion said the people of Chattogram is very much glad over the nomination of Barrister Nowfel from Chattogram-9 seat in coming Parliamentary election with due valuation of his father late ABM Mohiuddin Chowdhury .
Senior leaders of the ruling party in the meet urged the JL activists to work relentlessly in favour of Barrister Nowfel for his landslide success in the election. Meanwhile election monitoring office of Barrister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury Nowfel was inaugurated at Anderkilla in the city .
Chairman of the election monitoring committee and vice president of city AL Advocate Ibrahim Hossain Babul, Acting President of city AL Mahtabuddin and the city Mayor AJM Nasiruddin spoke on the occasion of election office inauguration, a party release said. Barrister Nowfel is contesting in coming parliament election with Boat symbol.

Polling materials reaches
in Chattogram
UNB from Chattogram adds: All kinds of polling materials ahead of forthcoming 11th National Polls reached in Chattogram regional election office on Monday.The Election Commission (EC) officials today received 12 kinds of polling materials including stamp pad, officials seal, marking seal, indelible ink pen, charger light, stapler pin and machine.
District Election officer Munir Hossain Khan said 12 kinds of polling materials have already reached in the office now it is left to reach the ballot papers which will take some time.
According to district election office sources, a total of 56,37,461 including 27,25,389 female voters will exercise their right of franchise in the 16 constituencies including six in Chattogram city in 1,899 voting centers through 10,692 booths in 11th national parliamentary election.
