Elderly man killed in city

UNB, Dhaka :
A septuagenarian man was killed by some unidentified miscreants at his flat in the city’s Tejgaon area on Wednesday. The deceased was identified as Shah Md Tobarak Hossain, 72, who used to live in his flat along with two personal assistants. Police said Tobarak had been living in the flat of a multi-storey building at North Kunipara along with Saiful who had been working as his personal assistant for the last 12 years. Recently, another personal assistant Hasan was appointed. Quoting assistants, police said a group of 3-4 miscreants stormed Tobarak’s flat after Fazr prayers and attacked him. They also vandalised furniture of the flat and fled around 6:30am. Locals took the elderly man to Metropolitan Hospital at Mohakhali from where he was shifted to Shaheed
Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital as his condition deteriorated. However, Tobarak succumbed to his injuries at the hospital. Officer-in-charge of Tejgaon Police Station Ali Hossain said they were interrogating Saiful over the murder.