Ekushey Book Fair begins in Raozan amid festivity

Chairman of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Railway ABM Fazle Karim Chowdhury MP inaugurating the Ekushey Book Fair at Raozan Shahid Minar square as Chief Guest on Friday.
Chairman of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Railway ABM Fazle Karim Chowdhury MP inaugurating the Ekushey Book Fair at Raozan Shahid Minar square as Chief Guest on Friday.
Raozan Correspondent :
Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Railway ABM Fazle Karim Chowdhury MP seen inaugurated the Ekushey Boi Mela at Raozan Shahid Minar Chattar by releasing balloons and festoon as Chief Guest on Friday morning .
 Leaders of Upazila Awami League, Jubo League, Chhatra Leagues were present on the inauguration ceremony. Upazila Chairman of Raozan Ehsanul Haider Chowdhury Babul and Upazila AL Pesident A bdul Wahab, UNO Junaid Kabir Sohag, Asstt.Commissioner (Land) Abdullah Al Mahmud Bhuyia and Raozan Thana OC Md. Kefayetullah were present as special guests.
 Convenor of the Boi Mela committee, Upazila Jubo League President and Panel Mayor Md. Zamiruddin Parvez presided over the inaugural function in the Boi Mela .
In the fair venue, free medical camp arranged by Raozan Udiptta Tarun Samaj .
After formal inauguration of the mela, the chief guest goes round every book stall in the Mela and witnessed the free medical health care camp. People from all spheres of life irrespective of caste and creed thronged in the Boi Mela .