Eight-month-old baby Tabassum Sultana Farim has tested positive for Covid-19 at the Dhaka Shishu Hospital. Parents of the ailing baby girl took her to the hospital three days back and subsequently the on-duty doctor suggested for her corona screening. The hospital authorities produced the test result on Wednesday confirming Farim as corona positive. The New Nation Photo taken from the Dhaka Medical College Hospital shows the mother strongly holds her as she was referred to the hospital for treatment.

Eight-month-old baby Tabassum Sultana Farim has tested positive for Covid-19 at the Dhaka Shishu Hospital. Parents of the ailing baby girl took her to the hospital three days back and subsequently the on-duty doctor suggested for her corona screening. The
Eight-month-old baby Tabassum Sultana Farim has tested positive for Covid-19 at the Dhaka Shishu Hospital. Parents of the ailing baby girl took her to the hospital three days back and subsequently the on-duty doctor suggested for her corona screening. The