Eid vacation ends Recreational centres draw huge crowd

BSS, Dhaka :
The recreational centres in the city drew huge crows during the Eid vacation that ended yesterday. Though the offices opened yesterday after a six-day vacation marking the holy Eid-ul-Azha,the Eid zest and pleasure continued in the city for the third day. Attendance in the offices was thin and the roads remain free from traffic jam. The shopping malls remained closed.
People started returning to the city and the train stations and bus terminals are becoming lively again with the return of the home-goers. This time, the country witnessed a six-day vacation at a stretch, as Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina declared September 11 as holiday by an executive order.
September 11 was the only workday between the weekend and Eid holidays and the declaration of the day as a public holiday paved the way for a six-day vacation starting from September 9. However, the government employees will have to make up for September 11 by attending offices on September 24 (Saturday).
The buzzing city life became calm as thousands of people left for their village homes to celebrate Eid-ul-Azha with their near and dear ones. The Eid zest and pleasure continued in the city and there was blissful presence of visitors at recreational centers in the capital and elsewhere in the country.
Movements of transports and pedestrians on the normally busy city roads were very thin yesterday and the day after Eid (Wednesday). The city roads took a deserted look in the morning. But thousands of people, especially children, poured in and around the city’s parks, historic places and other recreation centres in the afternoon.