Eid-ul-Azha celebrated

BSS, Chattogram :
The Eid-ul-Azha, second largest religious festival of the Muslims was celebrated in the city as elsewhere in the : district with the spirit of sacrifice, total surrender to the Almighty Allah in line with the inherent teachings of the holy occasion .
Nearly 265 Eid congregations at mosques and selected open spaces including three big ones at M A Aziz Stadium and Jamiatul Falah Mosque (two successively) were held in the city under the auspices of Chattogram City Corporation (CCC) and Chattogram Central Eid Jamaat Committee ( CCEJC).
The two grand Eid Jammats under the auspices of CCC were held at Jamiatul Falah Complex Mosque at 8am and 8-30am respectively where the first Jamaat was conducted by Khatib of the Mosque Principal Mowlana Abu Taleb Mohammad Alauddin Al Quadery and the second one was led by its Senior Presh Imam Mowlana Nur Mohammad Siddiqui .
The another main Eid congregation was held at M A Aziz stadium at 8 am.
The other main Eid Jamaats were held at different venues including Andarkillah Shahi Jame Mosque, Laldighi Maidan, Parade Ground, Pologround Maidan, Shah Amanat Shah (R) Dargah Maidan, Port Colony Jam-e-Mosque, Metropolitan Police line Maidan, Agrabad Jamboree field, Baizeed Bostami (R) Dargah maidan at the same time.
Central Vice -President of BNP and former Minister Abdullah Al Noman, Awami Legue central organizing secretary Barrister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury Nowfel, Ziauddin Ahmed Bablu, MP, former Minister Mir Mohammad Nasir Uddin, Chattogram south district AL president Muslem Uddin Ahmed, Acting Mayor Chowdhury Hasan Mohammad Hasni, former city mayor Mahmudul Islam Chowdhury, City BNP leader Dr Shahdat Hossain, Senior Vice President Abu Sufian, and Jatiya Party Presidium Member Solaiman Alam Seth and a large number of people from all strata performed their Eid prayers at Jamiatul Falah Mosque premises.
Soon after the Eid congregations, the day’s obvious ritual- slaughtering of sacrificial animals are on with complete peace and solemn devotion .
 The authorities concerned had taken adequate security measures by deploying RAB, Police and Ansars at various strategic points in the city to keep vigil on law and order situation during before and after Eid emphasizing over checking any trouble centering cattle hide trading and any attempt to smuggle those.
To mark the occasion, improved diets are being served among the inmates of the hospitals, jails, orphanages, and also in youth and juveniles centers run by the Social Welfare departments.
CCC sources said nearly 3000 contingency staffs have been engaged throughout the city with adequate number of waste disposing vehicles to remove the garbage and waste of the sacrificial animals.