Eid-ul-Azha being celebrated in Saudi Arabia, Middle East


Online Desk :
Citizens of Saudi Arabia and other countries, including expatriate Bangladeshis, are celebrating the holy Eid-ul-Azha in the Middle East on Tuesday with great enthusiasm and sacrifice. However, no Eid congregation was held in the open field this year due to the pandemic coronavirus (Covid-19).

According to the instructions of the Saudi health ministry, the worshipers have performed Eid prayers in the mosque following the hygiene rules. Local law enforcement has warned to take stern action against violators.


Immediately after the Fajr prayers, the devout Muslims left for Eidgah Maidan in groups to take part in the Eid Jamaat. Eid congregations were held at the Kaaba Sharif in Mecca, Al-Masjid an-Nabawi in Medina, and numerous mosques in different parts of the country. Many emirs and sheiks of Saudi Arabia performed Eid prayers in the first row inside the National Mosque.
