Eid telefilm Durottwo


NTV will air special telefilm titled Durottwo on fifth day of Eid festival at 2:35pm. Directed by Imraul Rafat script of the telefilm was also written by Rafat himself.
The cast of the telefilm includes Richi Solaiman, Tisha, Iresh Zaker, Afran Nisho, Mita Chowdhury, among others.
Once Raju stops Nitu’s richshaw on the street. Lat er they met together in different places.
Despite loving Nitu Raju didn’t express his love to her. But Nitu didn’t show her interest to Raju in this regard. When groom’s people were going to visit Nitu’s residence Raju goes to her house along with his friends. Then climax begins in the story of the telefilm. Nitu gives condition to Raju in case of her marriage.
