Eid returnees compelled to pay extra fare


Reza Mahmud :

Bus owners in connivance with countermen charging extra money from the passengers who have started returning to their work place after enjoying Eid vacation.
Sufferers alleged that most of the inter-district bus companies created fake crisis of tickets and charging extra money through mid
dlemen. “Bus companies created seat crisis. They hiked fare. We are compelled to pay almost double fare than that of normal time,” said Abul Khair from Gabtoli Bus Terminal after return from Jessore.He said, “Normal fare from Jessore to Dhaka is Tk 350 but the bus companies charged Tk 650 after creating ticket crisis.”
Abul Khair and his co passengers said that there was no traffic gridlock in highway when return to Dhaka.
In the same way passengers from other districts came to Dhaka yesterday by bus, train and launches. But mostly the bus passengers alleged about the extra money collections.
The passengers from Gabtoli, Sayedabad, Mohakhali bus terminals and other areas in city alleged the same.
According to the passengers normal fare from Sylhet to Dhaka is Tk 350 in a non- air conditioned bus, but on Thursday it had rose to Tk 500 to Tk 600.
Besides, the bus employees were found charging Tk 500 instead of Tk 350 from Narail, Tk 1500 instead of Tk 700 from Rangpur, Tk 710 instead of Tk 410 from Naogaon, Tk 800 instead of Tk 450 from Chuadanga and Tk 850 instead of Tk 450 from Barisal.
Returnees said the journey of Thursday back to Dhaka was free from tailback as very few passengers were started to return. “I have reach Gabtoli bus terminal at 11:00 am by starting bus journey from Narail at 7:00 am. It was safe and hazardless journey ever,” said Kaisar Alam a private job holder of Mirpur area.
Shahadat Hossain, from Nilphamary. gathered the same experience. He said he came with Alam Enterprise within 9 hours instead above of 10 hours.
He said his office will open in Saturday.
In Gabtoli, Hanif Enterprise, Sohag, Saudia, Rozina Paribahan, Nabil Paribahan, Golden Line, Sonar Toree and many other buses have found returned from many districts with huge passengers.
Most of the passengers said there work place will open from Saturday. Some of them said their workplaces like shops and different factories will open from Friday.
The counter persons from different bus services said the full swing returns of Eid passengers yet to start. So, their buses are still wait in motionless in different terminals like Gabtoli. “Many of our buses sit in idle because of the Eid goers yet to return. Most of them may start to return from Friday to Sunday,” said Shahin Mahmud, Counter Master of Khaleque Enterprise.
He said some buses are now going to different destinations nearly empty of passengers. But they return with full with passengers.
Besides, some passengers like shop keepers and salesmen of different shopping plazas with there family members were found to go home after Eid.
They said could not go to village homes due to pass huge busy time with Eid sales. Now they to share Eid happy with family members in village homes.
