Eid-e-Miladunnabi today

BSS, Dhaka :
The country is set to observe the holy Eid-e-Miladunnabi today (Wednesday), marking the anniversary of birth and demise of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) amid massive religious festivity and fervor.
President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued separate statements greeting the countrymen and Muslims
across the globe on this occasion and seeking eternal blessings for the people’s welfare alongside peace and harmony in the country and elsewhere in the globe.
The day is a public holiday.
Like previous years, different social, cultural, religious, spiritual, armed forces division, political organisations and different state-run organisations including the Islamic Foundation (IF) have chalked out elaborate programmes to mark the day.
Bangladesh Television (BTV) and Bangladesh Radio will broadcast special programmes highlighting the importance of the day. The Shishu Academy will also organise special events for children marking the day.
Islamic Foundation will publish special supplement marking the day while the national flag will be hoisted in government, semi-government, autonomous, private buildings and all the armed forces installations across the country.