Ehsan-E-Elahi new BCIC Chairman


Business Desk :
Md. Ehsan-E-Elahi (Additional Secretary) has joined as the Chairman of Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC) on 21 January 2021. Prior, he was the Chairman of Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation (BRTC), said a press release.
Ehsan-E-Elahi joined in Bangladesh Civil Service as Assistant Commisioner (Land) & Magistrate in 1991. In the field level he held various post and served as UNO, ADC, DC. He worked at Planning Ministry, National Parliament Secretariat, Science and Technology Ministry, Health and Family Welfare Ministry, Bangladesh Railway, Roads & Transport Ministry & Bridge Division. He also served as Director of BCCT, Secretary and Director (Admin) of Rajuk. He obtained his B.SC (Hon’s) and M.S.C. degree in Physics. Md. Ehsan-E-Elahi also participated various course in different countries.
