Egypt leftist leader to contest elections


AP, Cairo :A leading left-wing Egyptian politician announced on Saturday that he will contest upcoming presidential elections, set to be a tough battle for anyone squaring off against the country’s powerful army chief, expected to win a sweeping victory.Hamdeen Sabahi’s decision heats up an election slated for this spring, and opens a window of hope to the country’s largely disenchanted youth who rose up against two presidents in the past three years – first against longtime autocrat Hosni Mubarak, then the Islamist Mohammed Mursi.”I have taken this personal decision to enter the presidential battle,” Sabahi roared among his supporters. “The revolution must reach power democratically and stand as one line against terrorism.”Sabahi, who finished an impressive third in the June 2012 presidential election, appeals to a range of liberal, leftist and secular-minded Egyptians who reject both military and Islamist rule. He is seen as a political rookie, however.The announcement comes as a nationalist fervor grips the country, largely in support of Defense Minister Abdel-Fatah el-Sissi. Critics of the military face strong intimidation.El-Sissi led the military coup that deposed Mursi last July after millions marched to demand his resignation. He has yet to publicly declare his intentions but the military has backed him.In previous TV appearances, Sabahi said he was holding off on his decision until el-Sissi decided whether he would run. But Saturday he said he would be a candidate in response to demands from the youth.Sabahi, founder of Popular Current group, was an opposition leader under Mursi. A journalist and sometimes actor, he has sent assuring messages to the military and el-Sissi supporters while disassociating himself from Mursi supporters and Mubarak loyalists.
