Egypt delays UN motion on Israel settlements as Trump intervenes

A Palestinian protestor in front of the Israeli settlement of Qadumim (Kedumim), near Nablus, in the occupied West Bank
A Palestinian protestor in front of the Israeli settlement of Qadumim (Kedumim), near Nablus, in the occupied West Bank
AFP, Cairo :
Egypt said Friday it agreed to delay a vote on a UN Security Council resolution against Israeli settlements during a phone call between President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and US President-elect Donald Trump.
Egypt on Thursday requested that the vote be postponed a day after it submitted the draft text to the council, which prompted Israel to reach out to Trump to block a resolution.
Israel had asked Trump to intervene after learning that Washington, in a reversal of its policy under President Barack Obama, would not veto the resolution, an Israeli official said.
Trump, who issued a statement demanding that Washington exercise a veto, called Sisi.
In a statement on Friday, the Egyptian presidency said the phone call “touched on the draft resolution… on Israeli settlements”.
“The two leaders agreed on the importance of giving the new administration a chance to deal comprehensively with all the aspects of the Palestinian cause to achieve a comprehensive settlement,” it said.
The Egyptian turnaround surprised many but follows repeated expressions of admiration for Trump from Sisi, a former military chief who overthrew his Islamist predecessor in 2013 leading Obama to temporarily suspend military aid.
Israel had launched a frantic lobbying effort to pressure Egypt to drop the bid and reached out to its supporters in the United States and at the Security Council for support.
“After becoming aware that the (US) would not veto the anti-Israel resolution, Israeli officials reached out to Trump’s transition team to ask for the president-elect’s help to avert the resolution,” an Israeli official said on condition of anonymity.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged Washington to block the draft, pointing to years of US willingness “to stand up in the UN and veto anti-Israel resolutions.”
Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon described the draft as “disgraceful” and said his government was deploying “diplomatic efforts on all fronts.”
Trump’s intervention and the Egyptian decision to postpone the vote appeared to have caught Washington offguard, with US Secretary of State John Kerry cancelling plans for a speech laying out a vision for the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
Kerry spoke to Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry on Wednesday and then, after the Egyptian decision, to Netanyahu on Thursday.