Education sans morality is incomplete

M.Mizanur Rahman :
The root of all evils in society is dishonesty. So in ab-initio a child is taught, “Always I shall speak the truth and never tell a lie.”
At early age students used to utter this ethical sentence in a chorus in the school classroom that has the impact in later life of most of the students.
To build the character of a student there is no other alternative but to make him honest first. Thus on an honest platform a nation’s character is built.
It is of little use to criticize the present society where truth has seldom taken its resort because mostly in the crowd of liars that angel of truth fears to trade.
In this wilderness of falsehood and dishonesty in our society there is only a ray of hope lies with the ensuing generation and its honest leadership in social political and economic ambience. In this context the people have to control its passion for greed and avarice. Not only that every administrative mechanism of the government of the people must be molded to that extent. Hence an honest and dedicated leadership is a must for a nation.
It is a need of the hour to eradicate ignorance. Ignorance is the source of all undesirable things in life. In modern age there is a lot of communicative means to develop our mental horizon in our day-to-day life. Television can play a major role to remove the spell of ignorance among the mass of uneducated people. It has already been playing its good role beneficial to common people.
Moreover different information technology has been spread with its qualitative contents among us. Educational objectives are there for every individual. It is your choice what is appropriate to suit your need that is to be picked up by you. But common sense of every individual has to work here. Often you are listening talk show in the television. You learn much of present day situation in the country in respect of its social, political and economic conditions. Learning has its salient impact on the concerned individual.
Poverty saps education of the people. Nowadays education cannot reach to all people of the country due to poverty. Our poverty is not always material but mental. That is artificial. Mentally we appear to be so low that neither we know how to appreciate and pay qualitative teaching staff properly nor educate our people with patriotic zeal. This is rather a sort of ignorance preferring quantity to quality.
When teachers of all educational institutions tend to adopt unfair means then what the students expect to be taught from them except cramming notes given by them at the cost of money. Here money that matters not education. The future of a nation is sapped here since education has become a means of commerce. Once greed has captured your power you are nowhere in the truest sense of education.
Even it is often reported in the media and hearsay that government departments of education carry the curse of corruption unabated. What an economic imbalance is created throughout the country that almost every government department appears to have been infested with such horrible curse and in the grip of mental poverty? Those who give and take bribe are no less educated as a matter of fact. But. That education of them sans morality!
How can we build a national character? Where is the helmsman? Who will lead the nation to that great expectation?
Where everyone appears to have been gasped in the grip of poverty, who is that soul will redress grievances of a nation towards moral uplift for the happiness of all the commoners who pay most to run the state itself with their sweat and blood?
There is a proverb, “Health is lost something is lost, money is lost nothing is lost but character is lost everything is lost.” Hence should we not hold our character aloft as a proud heroic nation liberated from the yoke of foreign enslavement only a few years ago?