Education reform in line with development demands

Md Bayazid Khan :
Quality education is the key to success in overall development of the country. Overall development of the country desperately needs well educated future generations and only qualitative education can make it possible to develop country’s development friendly skilled future generations. There is no other alternative except providing students with quality education to develop country’s tomorrow’s workforces well skilled compatible to make government vision a success by 2021 and 2041.
Government efforts and initiatives for last ten years were commendable regards to increase enrollment and attendance, reduce drop out, remove gender disparity and all sorts of discrimination and enabling inclusiveness in all tiers of education. At present country’s envious success in education is the role model to other Asian and African countries who are lagging far behind in providing education to entire children.
Bangladesh economy is progressing so fast and to keep pace equally with the progress the country badly needs to develop skilled human resources. On the other hand, making the country a develop country one also require social development. Crying need for social development is to make citizens with the attitude of applying civic senses as well as to establish good governance. Applying of good citizenship and good governance mostly relies on quality education provided to students at all tiers of education.
So, country’s tomorrow’s vision looking for future generation enriched with quality education. Country friendly people have the expectation to the new government for showing zero tolerance against negligence of duties in providing quality teaching by teachers at classrooms and monitoring student and teachers’ performances by concern officers just to ensure quality learning to all students.
The newly elected governmentthat has taken the responsibility of running the country for next five years may consider following steps to be taken just inception of the New Year which will also the beginning of the education year.
Teachers and education institutes must have year wise targets regards to attain class wise minimum level of learning for every student (for example, primary school students of grade three to five should have ability of fluent reading in Bangla and English text, fine hand writing, solving problems with basics in mathematics etc.), bringing down dropout rate to a bearable rate, increase enrollment and attendance etc. Teachers and institutions might be brought under accountability by evaluating the targets.
Academic calendar might be introduced and strongly followed at education institutes. Activities like attending rallies, meetings etc by teacher and students severely hamper teaching-learning activities and this may be prohibited.
Honest and committed education loving personalities might be appointed at top level management of directorates as well as division and district level top posts so that a strong message from the government goes to the grass root level implementing agencies to perform duties sincerely towards ensuring qualitative education.
Negligence of duties in teaching by teachers and monitoring of students and teachers’ performances should be brought under rapid stern punishment. Politicians and influential persons might be asked to refrain from interference regarding this issue.
Patronization or indulgence to deceitful teachers or supervisory officers might be stopped by politicians or big guns. Rather they are asked to visit local educational institutes just to inspire teachers for performing duties with commitment. Zero tolerance must be shown against committing corruption by education managers and teachers. Field level corrupted officials may withdraw from field and posted into respective directorates.
Ownership is very important to implement education related government policies at field. Professionals at top level management of education directorates mostly come from other sectors. Because of their short tenure there they don’t take ownership and have lack of building relationship with field level implementing authorities. This may hinder government policy of ensuring quality education to be implemented at educational institutes. So, there must have a ladder so that teachers and supervisory officers may have opportunity of getting promotion to the top level posts. Attractive financial benefits and logistic supports might be provided to teachers so that brilliant students may choose their profession as teachers gladly. Moreover, teachers’ social values or status should be uplifted for making the post lucrative to be chosen as first choice by new job seekers. Existing teachers who have shortages of adequate qualification or feel incompetent in performing qualitative modern day teaching might be removed from teaching. Rather they might be engaged in administrative works or encourage to retire from teaching giving satisfactory benefits.
Vacant posts of teachers and supervisory officers should be filled up rapidly. If necessary time consuming and complex appoint policy might be reviewed to appoint quickly. Moreover, considering teacher-student ratio educational institutions’ existing teachers and supervisors’ posts might be re-sanctioned. Evaluating students’ performances authentically, teachers might be rewarded or punished and educational institutions might be graded or degraded.
There might have the provision of additional attractive allowances and logistic supports for teachers of hard to reach areas educational institutes so that posting or transfer into the said institutions may be interested to teachers. This might be rationale that hard to reach areas teachers must be given price posting after working a stipulated time there.
Mostly damaged schools or colleges as well as educational institutions of haors, tea gardens and hilly areas should be brought under construction of new building with other physical infrastructure facilities as first priority. NGOs might be given responsibility of running “Before or After School Program” especially for the students who are first generation learner or don’t have learning environment at home just to clarify or strengthen their understandings in everyday lessons that are taught at education institutes.
Residential school and colleges (pre-primary to higher secondary) might be launched into hard to reach hilly and haor areas. In addition, “Boat School” in haor areas and “Evening/Morning School” at industrial areas or urban areas may be ensured hundreds of thousands of dropped out children’s access into education.
Primary and secondary school curriculum must be emphasized on developing morality, humanity and application of civic senses in daily life. Moreover, students’ interest in sports, music etc should be encouraged and this must be reflected to curriculum and books.
If possible our think-tanks or educators may review the contents of compulsory general math book of grade nine considering the students who will choose discipline in arts or commerce later. Inclusion of arithmetic at grade nine may be considered reviewing its real life application. Contents in books of other compulsory subjects also may be reviewed.