Education law to be finalised soon


M M Jasim :
The Education Ministry is going to finalize the “Education Law” with the aiming to modernize and flourish the education system in the country.
The ministry posted the draft of the ‘Education Law” on its website to receive public opinion.
The members of the public can express their views or submit proposals until April 10.On August 5, 2013 the ministry drafted the education law and posted it on its website for the first time.
The ministry sources said, it posted the draft on its website on April 3 for the last time. After getting the public opinion, the ministry will send it to the Standing Committee on Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs to give it the form of law. If the Parliamentary Standing Committee approves the Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Ministry will send it to the Cabinet.
According to the draft law, extra tuition and other fees have been made strictly prohibited and punishable offence No teacher or educational institution is allowed to run coaching business and to write guide book, nobody is allowed to be chairman of more than one institution but provision of transfer system of the teachers of non-government educational institutions, and punishment to those teachers, who will torture the students both mentally and physically. The draft law has been prepared to accommodate the National Education Policy. The legal wing of the Education Ministry has prepared the draft law.
The officials of the ministry said they received many opinions from the people and they would analyse it very carefully.
Law Officer (Joint Secretary) of the Education Ministry Dr Md Faroque Hossain told The New Nation on Wednesday that the ministry took a long time to enact the law to enrich it.
 “The Education Ministry has been working to ensure standard education for all and to run the education sector smoothly. As per the initiative, the ministry drafted a education law and posted it on the ministry’s for the 3rd and last time. We also got satisfactory response from the public. We took huge time to make the law acceptable to all,” Faroque Hossain said.
 “We will add and remove some portion of the draft law as per the public opinion. We will also send it to Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Ministry. The Law Ministry will finalise the law,” the Joint Secretary said.
