Education and empowerment of women

Faruque Ahmed
My wife along with her daughter-in-law have been waiting for consulting the doctor in the chamber of a female professor the other day. Just opposite to them a young lady accompanied with her mother-In-law also waiting for doctor`s consultation. They have nothing to do except waiting for their turn in the queue. The young lady took up her cell phone and start talking presumably to her husband if he has reached home. Knowing his arrival at home from work, the wife asked her husband to start cooking rice and at the same time she asked her mother-in-law sitting beside her to tell how much rice will be needed for their dinner. Knowing the amount of rice from mother-in-law, she conveyed it to her husband to cook accordingly. This is a small story narrated here to show the extent of social positive changes those are taking place in our society these days. One decade before it was impossible to think of this reality in our society. Changes, in all spheres are evidently taking place to meet the requirement of time as the country is moving fast towards positive economic development. This will happen along with the progress we are expecting in different economic fields. Participation of women is a must for social and economic upliftment for higher growth in all spheres.
I would like to cite another small story which I came across few months back while I was on a visit to my native village at Brahmanbaria. I occasionally visit my old relative`s house at Sarail while I go to my village home. In one occasion while I was returning from this house to Brahmanbaria by a CNG driven auto-rickshaw all alone, a middle aged woman along with her daughter waiting beside the road for a transport, stopped my auto and asked for my permission to get in to go to her house nearly one kilometer from this place. With some hesitation, I allowed her to my auto and enquired to know who this girl with her was. She introduced me that the girl was her daughter and with her pleasure and enthusiasm she informed me that her daughter is a meritorious student and have been awarded talent pool scholarship in class viii this year and with this grand news she is going home. I congratulated her daughter and herself for this big success and wished her for better result in the coming days. This small episode gave me deep pleasure and at her insistence I did not accept the fare she was offering me for the journey she undertook with me to her home (this is the usual practice in the countryside of sharing auto fare). During my stay at Sarail for a day, I was highly impressed to notice that the girl students of the house are highly enthusiastic in their studies with deep attention and with pleasure as well. They, all day long moving around to attend the classes in the School/college right in time and also managing time to attend their coaching classes with right earnestness. Amongst the three female young cousins of mine, two were awarded scholarships in Class V and VIII, the elder one is a teacher of a High School and continuing her studies in masters from a govt. college. Apart from these, she also run a coaching centre for students from Class I to V and in the coaching centre she continues till 8-30 PM almost every day. Thus supporting her family and sisters to continue their studies. The second one is exceptionally meritorious and stood 1st in the 1st year exams. The youngest one now in Class IX is a talented artist and have been awarded 10 to 12 prizes/medals/certificates in different competitions mostly securing 1st positions. With her father`s active support and help, she has opened an Art School at her home for small children in and around the village. Another bright granddaughter of mine, presently preparing for admission in the public medical college/public University in science faculty has recently sent me a letter with beautifully decorated words. The letter appeared to me as extraordinary one, wherein she has appreciated me for my efforts of inspiring her in studies and also in all spheres of life. It is indeed, a great pleasure for me to see that the girl students around me are trying their best to reach their peak securing better position in the job market and searching other earning avenues for self and the family, and also serving the nation as well. I am highly impressed and hopeful about their relentless efforts for changing their lives by enhancing their positions in all fields. The enthusiasm and keen interest for educational attainments and strong desire for positive change in life through education gave me immense satisfaction. The small story I have narrated above is not isolated at all, I could find almost the same scenario everywhere I visited in the villages around my locality in last two to three years.
In this connection I remember the days I first admitted to high school wherein only three girl students were enrolled with us totaling about 175 students in Class VI. We have come a long way and the achievement we have accomplished by now, is highly commendable and sure to upgrade and enhance all the social and economic indicators to put our country to a mid income country. This will, I surely believe, bring honour, dignity and prestige for us around the globe. I sincerely hope and believe that Bangladesh will attain the position of rich country before middle of this century. It would be worthwhile to mention in this connection, the progress we have achieved by now, would never, be possible without education of women which they are receiving these days and using this for their betterment to raise the standard of living by earning respectably through different economic activities.
It is indeed a matter of great satisfaction and pride to learn that the President of World Bank has recently highly praised Bangladesh for achieving considerable reduction of poverty and empowerment of women while he paid a courtesy visit to our Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at her hotel at the time of attending UN General Assembly Session in New York. World Bank President said to her, “I always, in every forum cite the example of Bangladesh`s high economic and social achievement in different fields.” He also said that Bangladesh has shown tremendous progress in the field of poverty reduction and women empowerment while talking to Bangladesh Prime Minister.
The recent visit (17-18 October, 2016) of World Bank President Jim Yong Kim in Bangladesh is very significant for us as he come to assess the growing prosperity and also to mark the International Day to End poverty. He wholeheartedly praised Bangladesh`s achievements and said “the way Bangladesh has reduced the rate of poverty is encouraging for us and we believe that this trend will continue. Other nations of the world will follow the technique this country is adopting for poverty reduction. Bangladesh has shown us how to reduce poverty and the important aspect in this regard is the innovation. In the event of adopting new ideas, the number of poor people is reducing very rapidly. Reduction of poverty in Bangladesh is extraordinary event and matter of satisfaction as well, he opined. He also said that the politicians of this country have understood that in order to reduce the poverty rate, empowerment of women is essential. Half of the 16 crore people of this country are women. Without the contribution and participation of women in the economy, Bangladesh can never be self-sufficient economically, the World Bank President added. He further said that a bright future is waiting for Bangladeshi people.
When an individual from a very high position no less than the President of World Bank, give statement in the press with responsibility and also with the data as received from his own sources, it is obviously acceptable to all. Though needless to cite examples like this, it is quite evident from around us as we see our people living in a decent way having sufficient food intakes every day and meeting their daily necessities abundantly. We see the shinning faces moving around us with their exuberance and it gives us the message that our people are well off these days meeting their needs. It would be my expectation that our people will also go a long way in achieving other human qualities to be an example to the western world to be followed in the days to come.
[Faruque Ahmed is former senior executive of Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB)]