EDU launches video class

Campus Report :
East Delta University (EDU) introduced video classes recently under titled “Courseware” to promote class activists in blockade and shutdowns.
This new methods will help to run the academic activities of the university and reach the classes to the door steps of the students in the ongoing political unrest, hopped Sayeed Al Noman, founder Vice-chairman of the EDU. “We always try to bring the students with the touch of new technology; launching courseware is one of them. From now EDU students can attend in the video class from home or can download the required classes from the EDU website on their flexible time from anywhere. Through the ‘black box’ of the software students will get opportunity to be connected in live chat themselves with the teachers to discuss their classes.
In future more new technology will be introduced to deliver the lectures, classes and related materials to the students’ door steps. All the students of EDU are excited to have such opportunity to attend the classes and getting video of lectures from home,” said Al Noman.