Edn Ministry to fix tuition fees soon

M M Jasim :
The Education Ministry will decide the area of the tuition fees in all the private schools across the country in three categories soon, the ministry sources said.
The three categories are Dhaka city, divisional city and districts.
The ministry will analyse the overall expenditure, including the non-MPO teachers’ salary and will fix the tuition fees. The Education Ministry will also warn them against taking extra fees from the students, the sources said.
Secretary of Education Ministry Sohrab Hossain told The New Nation on Sunday that many institutions collected extra fees
from the students without ministry’s permission. The ministry sent show cause notices to them as to why the ministry would not take stern action against them.
 “The ministry feels that tuition fees should be fixed. That is why it has taken initiative to do that. We have discussed and held many meetings with different quarters in this regard. Hopefully, we shall be able to fix the fees soon,” the secretary said.
 “We have planned to make the fees of different categories. There will be no similarity between the capital’s institutions and the divisional institutions. The fees will be different,” he said.
An official of the ministry wishing anonymity told this reporter on Sunday that the top bosses of the ministry have been trying to fix the tuition fees and sat with many institutions’ owners and principals and headmasters. But the ministry did not reach any decision yet.
Earlier on Sunday afternoon, a meeting was held between the Education Ministry and 12 educational institutions. They discussed about fixing of the tuition fees in the capital’s institutions.
The ministry is going to take the decision after the guardians and students of private school and colleges demonstrated in Dhaka and Chittagong against the hike in tuition fee.
They alleged, the authorities of the institutions are increasing salaries of teachers and officials.
The guardians organised human-chain in front of several schools and staged sit-in over the past two weeks.
They also submitted a memorandum to Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid.
The ministry also found truth in the allegations of taking extra fees.