‘Edn curricula prepared to build perfect human-beings’


In efforts to enhance quality of education, the government has prepared modern curricula incorporating ICT and ethical education to build complete human-beings developing sense of patriotism and humanity, Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid said.
“We have prepared education policy-2010 giving emphasis on science and ICT to create skilled workforce. To achieve the goal, the government has set up multimedia classrooms and computer labs at educational institutions,” he told a function at Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU) here.
DRU hosted the reception given to 42 meritorious students, offspring of its members, for their outstanding results in Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Primary School Certificate (PSC) in 2014. Of the total, the number of PSC students is 25 while JSC students are 17 and each one of them was given a certificate, crest and Taka 2000.
Moumita Mondal Kotha, daughter of Chief Reporter of Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS) Madhusudan Mondal, Famida Mahjaben Auroni, daughter of Md Omar Faruque, News Editor of BSS and Farin Rahman, daughter of Ziaur Rahman, senior reporter of BSS, are among the meritorious students.
About PSC and JSC examination systems, Nahid said the government has introduced the two examination systems to encourage all students to do better in academic life, which is effectively contributing to check drop-out rate at both primary and secondary levels.
The entire education sector has witnessed a remarkable progress in terms of enhancing access to education, but it is struggling to improve its standard, which is being considered as the biggest challenge, he said.
“We have taken various initiatives including distribution of free textbooks from primary level to secondary level and introduction of ICT based education to improve standard of education,” he said adding the government is relentlessly working to give global standard education to the children in the country.
“Our children are extremely brilliant. So, all should work together to provide better education to flourish potentiality to become good citizens of the country,” the minister added.
Nahid described the reception accorded to the students as excellent recognition for their good results and hoped this recognition will further inspire them to do better in their life.
Editor of Dhaka Times24.Com Arifur Rahman, DRU President Shakhawat Hossain Badsha, its General Secretary Elias Hossain and members, among others, were present at the function.
