Publication of news about HC order: Editor , Shyamnagar Press Club president, four others sued

Satkhira correspondent :
 “Daily Ajker Satkhira” Editor Mohsin Hossain Bablu, Shyamnagar Press Club President Akbar Kabir and four people have been sued in the court of Satkhira (Amli Court-5).
In the case, the High Court has been charged with contempt and defamation. After the hearing, the court directed Shyamnagar Police Station OC to register as an FIR. This instruction was given at around 12:30 pm on Sunday.
The plaintiff of the case Humayun Kabir, son of Haji Abul Hossain of Manikkhali village of Shyamnagar upazila. The other two accused are Abdul Alim, son of Hatem Hugh Gazi of Tarnipur village of Shyamnagar upazila and Al Mamun, son of Mobarak Ghazi of Sora village.
It is mentioned in the case details that, in the Ramanjanagar mouza, SA 437 Khatiaan, there are 2569 pages in a number of folks having a market in 15th century place. In the food warehouse beside this market, in the year 2014, the Food Warehouse OC passed a notice to evict the plaintiff. The plaintiff challenged the validity of the notice and filed a writ of 9196/14 in the High Court.
The court adjourned the eviction proceedings and issued the rule. The court has extended the order which is still in force. Even then, the accused have given false statements about the order of the court and the motivation to disobey the court order against personal enmity. At the same time, the news has been defamatory.
The plaintiff of the case, Humayun Kabir, said that the court ordered Shyamnagar Police Station officer to file the FIR as an FIR under Section 143, 447, 193, 209, 502 and 506 after hearing the case. At the same time, the court advised the cyber tribunal to issue a lawsuit for digital security law. He further said, I submitted the documents of the High Court documents, including the press of the news report published in the newspapers, to the court.
Advocate managing the case for the plaintiff Sheikh Taha Kamal confirmed the matter.
Regarding the case, Ajker Satkhira editor Mohsin Hossain Bablu said, I do not know about the case. However, it is unfortunate if the court gives the instructions of the FIR before the adjournment party supports it.
Shyamnagar OC Habil Hossain said, the court did not receive the directive yet. If you get the instructions, the next steps will be taken according to the instructions.
