Ed Moses says he was told to ‘shut up’ at WADA meeting


Two-time Olympic gold medallist Ed Moses says he was told to “shut up” at a World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) meeting.
Beckie Scott, Wada’s Athlete Committee chair, told the BBC some officials tried to “bully” her over her opposition to Russian reinstatement.
Moses, who is chair of the US Anti-Doping Agency (USAdA), backed calls for an investigation into Scott’s claims.
WADA denied Moses or anyone else at the foundation board meeting in May was told to shut up.
“Unfortunately, Scott is not alone in being attacked for wanting to clean things up,” said Moses.
In an article syndicated in various Australian newspapers including the Sydney Morning Herald, the 63-year-old said he was “told bluntly by various individuals not to speak” at the meeting, adding that he was “told to shut up”.
In a statement to BBC Sport, WADA said: “WADA’s Foundation Board meetings are open to the media and members of the public.
“Neither Mr Moses nor anyone else was told to ‘shut up’ at the board meeting in May – had that happened, it would have been reported by media in the room.
