Eco-friendly industries, brick kilns to control pollution stressed


BSS, Rangpur :
Setting up of eco-friendly industries and advanced technology brick kilns and use of alternative brick blocks have become crucial to control environmental pollution, save soil heath, biodiversity and public health.
The observation came Sunday at a divisional workshop tilled “Industrial pollution control, installation of advanced technology in brick kilns and use of alternative brick blocks” held at the conference room of the Deputy Commissioner in the city.
The divisional office of the Department of Environment with the assistance of the district administration organized the workshop. Officials of different government departments concerned, brick kiln owners, traders, public representatives and civil society members from all eight districts of Rangpur division participated in the workshop.
Rangpur Divisional Commissioner Md. Sabirul Islam attended the event as the chief guest. Presided over by Divisional Director of the Department of Environment Syed Farhad Hossain, Deputy Commissioner of Rangpur Md. Asib Ahsan was present in the workshop as a special guest. The speakers said adverse effects of climate change alongside establishing industries and factories and traditional brick kilns without following advanced and eco-friendly technologies are degrading the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems.
They said brick is an essential construction material to continue the development projects, but increasing brick production adopting traditional methods in conventional brick kilns threatens to aggravate the environment and ruin public health.
The chief guest called upon all concerned to facilitate establishing advanced technology brick kilns and use eco-friendly concrete blocks in place of traditional bricks to stop pollution from traditional brick kilns.
“Setting up of eco-friendly industries and advanced technology brick kilns should be encouraged alongside popularizing use of concrete brick blocks to meet the increasing demand for bricks without harming the environment,” he said.
