ECNEC okays seven projects worth TK 57b


Economic Reporter :
The Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) on Tuesday approved seven development projects involving Tk 57.27 billion.
The approval came at the ECNEC meeting in the current fiscal held at the NEC conference room in the city’s Sher-e-Bangla Nagar with ECNEC Chairperson and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the chair.
Planning Minister A H M Mustafa Kamal, after the meeting, briefed newsmen about the projects.
He said the seven projects approved will require Taka 57.27 crore for execution.
“Of the total project cost, the government will provide Taka 27.69 billion from the national exchequer while the organizations concerned will contribute Taka 99 million from their own funds and the remaining Taka 29.48 billion will come as project assistance,” he added. The minister informed that six projects are new while one is revised among the approved seven projects.
The ECNEC today cleared the uninterrupted power supply project at rural areas in Sylhet division to develop and alleviate poverty with Taka 14.17 billion.
Planning Minister said the project has been taken under the project of expansion of rural electrification activities in Sylhet division and developed the physical facilities of Rural Electrification Board (REB) headquarters.
Another project “Pro-Poor Slums Integration Project” was approved by the ECNEC involving Taka 3.02 billion to develop the life standard of lower income community in municipality and city corporation areas.
ECNEC also approved the “Poshur Channel Capital Dredging Project” from Mongla port to Rampal with Taka 1.66 billion.
The Planning Minister said the project would make easy to carry coal for the Rampal power plant of Bangladesh-India Friendship power Company Limited.
The other projects approved in the meeting are “Establishment of seventeen regional passport offices at different areas across the country” with Tk 1.08 billion, “The Bangladesh Scouting Expansion and Scout Shatabdi Bhaban Constriction” with Tk 1.22 billion, “Municipal conservation from river erosion at Charfashion in Bhola district” with Tk 2.09 billion and “Secondary Education Quality and Access Enhancement” with Tk 34.80 billion. Ministers and State Ministers attended the meeting while Planning Commission members and secretaries concerned were present.
