UP elections: EC to be responsible in case of conflict: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
Accusing the ruling party of intimidating its candidates to quit the election race, BNP on Wednesday warned that the Election Commission will be held responsible if a conflicting situation is created centring the Union Parishad polls.
Speaking at a press briefing at the party’s Nayapaltan central office, BNP joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi also alleged that their 83 chairman candidates, including 30 ones in Bagerhat, could not submit their nomination papers due to obstruction and threat by Awami League men. “The ruling party men are picking up our party candidates’ proposers and seconders and taking confessional statements from them under duress that they did not sign the nomination papers,” he said.
The BNP leader further said, “They (ruling party men) have continued attacking the houses of our leaders and activists and issuing life
threats to our chairman candidates to withdraw their nominations.” The first phase of elections to 738 Union Parishads will be held on March 22 under party line.
Rizvi said, the EC has failed to ensure a congenial atmosphere so that people can cast their votes without any fear. “We think the Election Commission will be held responsible if a conflicting situation is surfaced over the polls.”
He alleged that the EC is sincerely trying to implement the ‘January-5 lopsided election model’ in the UP polls. “The sign of vote rigging by ruling party cadres with the help of police is getting visible gradually.” Mentioning that law enforcers remain under the authority of the Election Commission during elections, he questioned how ruling party men are using the law enforcers to attack and obstruct BNP candidates.