EC sues Sabrina for dual NIDs

Court Correspondent :
The Election Commission (EC) yesterday filed a case against JKG Health Care Chairman Dr Sabrina Arif Chowdhury for collecting two National Identity (NID) cards concealing her information. The case was filed with Badda Police Station on Sunday.
Office-in-Charge (OC) of Badda Thana Parvej Islam confirmed the media on Monday.
According to the Election Comission, Dr Sabrina possesses two NID cards which is a crime as per law. The EC found that Sabrina became voter for the second time with the reference of an influential person. It seems she
became voter twice with an ‘ill motive’. Earlier, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) sent a letter to the Commission asking how Dr Sabrina received two active NID cards.
Sabrina’s birth year is also different on the two cards of 1978 and 1983. Her permanent and present addresses in one card is Mohammadpur PC Culture Housing and Badda, Pragati Sarani in another. Her profession is different doctor and government official.
However, the signatures on both are the same.