EC playing biased role: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP on Thursday alleged that the Election Commission (EC) has made the city polls atmosphere questionable with its biased role in dealing with the scrutiny of nominations and the election code of conduct.
In a statement, signed by BNP joint secretary general Barkatullah Bulu, the 20-party said, “An allegation against the Election Commission is already there that it has played a biased role during the scrutiny of nomination papers. Besides, their (EC’s) biased attitude towards the election code of conduct has made the election atmosphere questionable.”
The alliance demanded deployment of army in the polls and reopening of all the offices of all its components to create a level-paying field and equal opportunity for all the candidates.
It also demanded effective actions against the biased role of the law enforcers.
Otherwise, the 20-party said, people are ready to make any sacrifice to take their ongoing movement to a logical consequence in a bid to realise their demand.
Though the government is speaking against militancy, the alliance alleged, it is governing the country in a ‘militant’ style.
“People have joined the 20-party’s movement to free the country from this appalling situation and they’re determined to continue the ongoing movement until their desired victory is achieved,” the BNP-led alliance added.
The 20-party reiterated its demand for holding a free and fair election under a non-party election and releasing its all leaders and activists.