EC in tight corner as parties keep on slamming it

UNB, Dhaka :
None of the political parties, including the ruling Awami League and its allies, that joined the municipal polls is happy with the Election Commission’s performance as they think the statuary body cannot play its due role despite having the absolute authority.
Most of the parties are also doubtful whether there will be any fair election as their leaders said the Commission has failed to create a level-playing field though only five days are left for the voting.
According to the assessments of the parties, the EC has completely failed to check the violation of the election code of conduct and restore people’s confidence that the voters will be able to go to polling stations peacefully and cast their votes without any fear.
Some of the parties, however, said a fair election is still possible if the Commission can sincerely and neutrally play its role braving all the obstructions and exercise its full constitutional power. Awami League joint general secretary Mahbub-ul Alam Hanif alleged
that the EC is more sympathetic towards BNP, while harsh with AL.
Talking to reporters after a meeting with Chief Election Commissioner Kazi Rakibuddin Ahmad at the EC Secretariat, Hanif also said, “Supporters of our candidates were fined in many areas for no logical reason.”
Awami League presidium member Kazi Zafrullah, however, told UNB that they hope the EC will finally prove its worth by holding a neutral and fair election.