EC finalises election roadmap

UNB, Dhaka :
The Election Commission on Sunday finalised its roadmap for the next general election and decided to start the dialogue with the political parties and other stakeholders on July 31 next.
“The Commission at a meeting finalised the roadmap incorporating seven agenda. A book on the roadmap will be published on July 16 next,” EC Secretary Muhammad Abdullah told reporters emerging from the meeting.
He said the EC had earlier planned to start the talks with different stakeholders on July 30, but the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) will return home on the same day from London. “So, the dialogue will begin at 3pm on July 31 with talks with civil society members.”
Abdullah said the Commission also decided to hold talks with 40 registered political parties in August-October.
In November, the Commission will make a report on the suggestions to be placed by participants of the dialogue and finalise it in December next, he said.
The EC secretary said the Commission will hold the talks with the stakeholders to make the election free from the influence of money and muscle power and create a level-playing field for all the parties.
Arrangements for the dialogue with the political parties and other stakeholders, electoral law reforms, delimitation of constituencies, inviting applications from new political parties to be registered with the EC, easing electoral system, and finalising polling stations are among the seven agenda of the roadmap, EC officials said.
The EC Secretary said the Commission will complete the delimitation of the 300 parliamentary constituencies by December next.
It will update the electoral roll between July 25, 2017 and June 2018, and finalise the polling stations 35 days before the polls, he said.
Abdullah said the Commission prepared the roadmap for holding the 11th parliamentary elections between October 30, 2018 and January 28, 2019.