Easy tips to keep rugs and carpets brand new

Life Desk :
The rugs and carpets surely add a charm and bring the cozy and warm feeling to your home. But to ensure that the charm doesn’t fade away, here are a few tips to keep your rugs and carpets clean.
W e all have those rugs and carpets in that one particular area of our house, which gets targeted by everyone with dust, shoe stains, food particles, and a lot more. Just vacuum the rugs and carpets to bring an instant shine to them.
Be it a small or a big rug/carpet, you should wriggle them at least once a month to get the excess dust out of the them which is brought in with the shoes. One should avoid walking with shoes on the rugs and carpets as the dust gets collected quickest through that medium.
The stains on your rugs can leave a permanent mark and can be very hard to deal with. Whenever there is a stain, it should be immediately soaked up with a paper towel and cleaned with baking soda and vinegar solution. Never rub the stain as it will smudge all over and get deep inside the rugs and carpets. It should always be dabbed with paper towel till the stain becomes faint in color. The baking soda dries the stain and cleans the mark by leaving your rugs and carpets with their beautiful look.
Once a year, make sure to get your rugs and carpets dry cleaned for their long- lasting presence in your home. The rugs and carpets require some tender love and care to give them the healthy shine and free them with all the dirt and odors that it has collected over the time.
With a variety of sprays available in the market to give your rugs a fresh smell, invest in those and you won’t be disappointed. Spray your rugs with a natural scent twice a week for long-lasting freshness. You can also mix borax or baking soda with a few drops of your favorite fragrance oil.