Commentary: Easy gun makes easy killing: Orlando killer was a mental case

Editorial Desk :
We are shocked and our full sympathy lies with the deadly victims of Orlando people for massacre of 49 LGBT persons in the night club.
We have not enough word to condemn it and more so when a Muslim man is the killer whether or not he is an IS recruit; it makes us both angry and urge everyone to do everything to protect humanity from terrorism.
We cannot deny that he is an American Muslim, it is possible that he was influenced by some extremist groups like ISIS — a perverted Muslim group. The ISIS people do not abide by Islam. They kept Muslims captive and rape our Muslim women, killed thousands of Muslims. It has come out in US press that the man Omar Mateen is mentally deranged with a chaotic family history that even ended in divorcé with his wife. He was on the radar of FBI but found nothing
to be serious about him.
Muslim leaders in America and elsewhere have been condemning the slaughter in the strongest terms. An American Muslim leader even denounced in CNN that terrorists are not Muslims.  
It appears that the man bought the assault rifle only few days back from the locality to end the massacre. The incident has renewed the debate again in the US to bring control on the buying of gun. Because without controlling the gun access, incidents of massacre and such other insane killings will not come under control.
It is known to all that President Obama is trying to rein in easy access to gun but opposition from a Republican dominated Congress is not making it to happen. Again in his press conference yesterday, President Obama renewed his call for gun control.
We also think that it should be the major concern of Americans as dangerous guns are easily available to the extremists or mentally deranged ones.
As far the Orlando massacre is concerned, we must say Muslims all over the world and particularly in Bangladesh feel highly disturbed by the act of a Muslim by name. His action and such actions by a handful of others as IS outfits or their cohorts all over the world are seriously damaging the interest of the Muslims as murderers and terrorists. It calls for closer ties and harmony among all religious faith and communities at all levels. We do not want to accept terrorists as Muslims or Christians. They are fanatics and not religious.
In every sense the Muslim extremists are in fact pervert anti-Islam elements. All fundamentalists are abnormal. We shall strongly urge Islamic leaders to expose ISIS and other Muslim extremists as not Islamists and they have no right to use Islam for their brand of crimes.
But we must also say terrorism is not limited only to a section of the Muslims; there are many violent people in all societies killing people and destroying public safety.
We shall insist that when Muslims have to do everything against perverts of Islam, the American people must also accept gun control.