PM to BCL leaders: Earn people’s confidence in student politics

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday asked the newly elected office bearers of Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL), the student associate body of Awami League, to revive the trust and confidence of people in student politics so that all can feel that they can deliver.
“You’ll have to regain people’s confidence in student politics so that everyone can see that they can deliver something for the nation. This is how the BCL can show the path to others,” she said.
Sheikh Hasina, also the Awami League chief, was addressing a views-exchange meeting with the newly elected central BCL committee members, including its president, secretary and other leaders of different units, at her official residence Ganabhaban in the afternoon.
PM’s ICT Adviser Sajeeb Wazed Joy also spoke on the occasion while Sheikh Rehana’s son Radwan Mujb Siddiq, Housing and Public Works Minister Engineer Mosharraf Hossain, Joy’s wife Christine Overmeyer were, among others, present at the Dias.
Noting that the country had to brave many attacks and storms like heinous incidents of burning people to death, Hasina said a strong organisation is needed so that no one could burn people to death in the country anymore and play with the fate of people.
Apparently referring to the recent BCL council and election through transparent ballot boxes, she said the BCL leaders and workers have set such an example which could be replicated by others. “But, I don’t know whether others will follow it.”
The Prime Minister also reissued her strong warning that she had never given shelter and would not do either in the future to those who would commit offences. “Such messages should be spread allover the country.”
Former BCL leaders, including AL organising secretary Ahmad Hossain, SM Kamal, Enamul Haque Shamim, Ishaq Ali Khan Panna, Mahbubul Hoque Shakil, Sifuzzaman Sikhor, Mahmud Hasan Ripon were also present.
Immediate past BCL president HM Badiuzzaman Sohagh, newly elected president Saifur Rahman Sohag, general secretary SM Zakir Hossain also spoke at the function conducted by immediate past BCL general secretary Siddiqui Nazmul Alam.
The Prime Minister asked the newly elected BCL leaders to brighten the image of the organisation and work devotedly for ensuring the welfare of people, remaining firm on Bangabandhu’s ideals.