Early winter vegetables cultivation gains popularity in Sylhet

S.A.Shofiee, Sylhet :
Early winter vegetables cultivation is gaining momentum in twelve upazilas of Sylhet district as it is proved to them more profitable within very short time and cheap costing. The farmers have already started preparing the land to cultivate more profitable vegetable, like, cauliflower, cabbage, radish, brinjal, spinach, lady’s finger, bean, tomato and lalshak and others species in cropland with the help of local agricultural offices.
Department of Agriculture Extension source said, around 10,178 hectares of land in all twelve upazilas of the district have brought under early winter vegetable cultivation for achieving repeated profit from the cropland by using eco-friendly Pheromone trap which is gaining popularity among the farmers of different upazilas in Sylhet district in recent years. Presently, a large number of farmers of the area are producing huge amount of vegetables using eco-friendly pheromone trap instead of harmful pesticides and are being financially benefited by using the trap at lesser cost compared to pesticides.Due to heavy rainfall in the district during this season the cultivation of advanced winter vegetables have suffered much, yet huge quantity of vegetables are already available in the markets of the Sylhet district farmers demanded.