Rana Plaza tragedy: Dutch minister for joint efforts to raise fund

UNB, Dhaka :
The European Union (EU) and Bangladesh should work together to impress the international companies, including the European ones, to adequately contribute to the compensation fund for the Rana Plaza victims, said a Dutch minister on Friday.
Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Netherlands Lilianne Ploumen also appreciated Bangladesh for steps taken so far to improve the working conditions in the massive RMG sector.
“We’re encouraged to see the huge steps taken in the last one year to improve the working conditions in Bangladesh’s massive RMG sector, but there’s still some way to go for sure,” she said during her meeting with Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali at the Dutch Foreign Ministry in the morning.
She expressed her interest in further discussing the exact modalities for cooperation in this regard during her scheduled visit to Bangladesh in the end of May this year, said a Foreign Ministry media release.
Minister Ploumen, who had visited Bangladesh following the Rana Plaza tragedy in June last year, said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s government did the right thing to press ahead with necessary reforms in the RMG sector to improve labour rights and safety.