Dutch liable for killing 300 Bosnian Muslim


BBC Online :
A Dutch court has ruled that the Netherlands is liable for the killings of more than 300 Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslim) men and boys at Srebrenica in Bosnia-Hercegovina in July 1995.
The 300 men and boys were among 5,000 Bosniaks sheltering with Dutch UN peacekeepers at their Potocari base.
The court said the state should have known they would be killed by Bosnian Serbs when they handed them over.
More than 7,000 men and boys were killed in the Srebrenica massacre.
It is considered Europe’s worst since World War II.
The case was launched by relatives of the victims under the name “Mothers of Srebrenica”.
The Hague district court said that Dutch peacekeeping forces, Dutchbat, did not do enough to protect 300 of the Bosniaks and should have been aware of the potential for genocide to be committed.
It said that the Dutch state must accept some degree of responsibility for what happened and pay compensation to the families of the 300 victims.
