Duck farming makes rural, sub-urban families self-reliant

Rajshahi Correspondent :
In the wake of gradually increasing nutritional demand and lucrative market price, commercial farming of ducks including gooses are gaining popularity in the region including its vast Barind tract for the last couple of years.Duck products such as eggs and meat have a great demand in the local markets. So, commercial duck farming business is being adjudged as a great source of earning. Many successful farmers are making a high profit from their duck farming business.
Duck farming business has also become a stable employment source. Young unemployed educated people are joining the business making their own employment source. Hundreds of poor and marginal families have become economically solvent by rearing ducks.
There are more than 2,500 duck farms in Rajshahi division comprising eight districts and its farming has become more profitable and sustainable, where Beel areas and wetlands are situated, said Mohir Uddin, divisional Deputy Director of Department of Livestock Services.
He said many people raised ducks in both commercial and small scale to get meat or egg. Even, they raised some ducks on their own backyard with other birds or animals. Mahtab Ali, a rural jobless person who completed graduation and failed to get a job, is presently owner of a duck farm and now able to manage his family properly. He is an inhabitant of Talanda village under Tanore upazila of Rajshahi district.
While talking to the newsman Ali, owner of the farm, said even five years ago, the income of his father, a poor farmer, was not enough to meet even the basic needs of their family.
However, he was committed to doing something positive to change the lot of his family. Therefore, he took short training course from Rajshahi Youth Development Training Center in 2008, and set up a duck farm adjacent to his house. Some of those poor fishermen families took loan from NGOs and started duck farming at their houses.