DU to observe Martyred Intellectuals & Victory Day


Dhaka University (DU) authority has chalked out elaborate programmes to observe the Martyred Intellectual Day on December 14 and the Victory Day on December 16 befittingly, said a press release on Saturday.
On December 14, the Martyred Intellectual Day programmes will feature hoisting of black flag on the main buildings including VC’s Bhaban at 6.15am, assemblage of students, teachers, officials and employees at Aparajeya Bangla at 6.30am, placing wreaths at the university central mosque premises’ graveyard, Jagannath Hall premises’ Smritisoudha, Smritisoudhas in different residential areas and Mirpur Martyred Intellectual Monument, discussions and offering ‘Doa’ for eternal peace of the departed souls of the martyred intellectuals.
A discussion will be held at Teacher-Student Centre at 11 am to be presided over by Vice-Chancellor Professor AAMS Arefin Siddique.
The Victory Day programmes includes hoisting of national flag at the main buildings of the university including VC’s Bhaban at 6.15 am, assemblage of students, teachers, officials and workers at Aparajeya Bangla at 6.30 am and placing wreaths at the National Memorial at Savar.
Teacher-Student Centre, Arts Faculty building and Curzon Hall will be illuminated. Voluntary blood donation programme will take place at TSC.
Besides, screening of films, photo exhibition and documentary show will be held at residential halls. A cultural function will be held at Teacher-Student Centre at 6.30pm. ‘Doa’ at university central mosque after Zohr prayer, prayers at different dormitories seeking eternal peace for the departed souls of the martyrs will also be held.
