DU to observe Bangabandhu’s birth anniversary


Dhaka University (DU) has chalked out elaborate programmes to celebrate the 98th birth anniversary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Children Day-2017 on March 17.
As part of the programmes, DU teachers, students, officers and employees led by Vice-Chancellor Professor AAMS Arefin Siddique will place wreaths at the portrait of Bangabandhu at Bangabandhu Memorial Museum at 7am in the city, a DU press release said on Tuesday.
Later, a discussion meeting will be held at Teacher Student Center (TSC) on DU campus with Professor Arefin Siddique in the chair at 10.30am.
DU Music Department will organise a cultural function at TSC at 6.30pm on the day.
Besides, prayers and doa will be offered at the residential halls, hostels, mosques and upasanalayas (places of worship) to mark the day.
An art competition organized by DU Fine Arts Faculty will also be held at the TSC cafeteria at around 10am.
Children from DU Laboratory School and College, Udayan High School, Nilkhet High School and the university residential area would take part in the competition, the release added.
