DU students’ demo for cancellation of 7-college affiliation

DU Correspondent :
The students of Dhaka University (DU) continued their demonstration boycotting classes and examinations on the second day on Thursday demanding cancellation of the university’s affiliation with the city’s seven colleges.
The agitating students gathered at the foot of Raju Sculptor and chanted slogan demanding cancellation of the seven colleges affiliation. After that, they marched through different roads on the campus and
 blocked Shahbagh intersection for three hours. About 500 students kept the key intersection blocked from 11:00am-2:00pm, causing severe traffic congestion.
Traffic movement from New Market to Matshya Bhaban and Shahbagh to Farmgate remained halted during the period.
The protesting students announced four-point demand, including cancellation of affiliation of seven colleges, publishing results within two months, digitalization of all administrative activities and controlling mass transport movement inside the campus.
Meanwhile, the students also vowed to further movement on next Sunday boycotting their all-academic activities.
The affiliated colleges are: Dhaka College, Eden Mohila College, Government Shaheed Suhrawardy College, Kabi Nazrul Govt College, Begum Badrunnesa Govt Women’s College, Mirpur Govt Bangla College and Govt Titumir College.