DU student breaks hunger strike after assurance of DUCSU polls

DU Correspondent :
Walid Ashraf, an evening masters’ student of Dhaka University (DU), who went on hunger strike on November 25 for indefinite period demanding Dhaka University Central Students’ Union (DUCSU) election, ended it on Saturday upon assurance of the Vice-Chancellor (VC) that the election will be held soon.
Walid was continuing his silent protest on the Memory Eternal premises, DU VC Professor Akhtaruzzaman along with the Dhaka University Teachers’ Association (DUTA) President Professor Maksud Kamal and Proctor Professor Gulam Rabbani fed Walid a banana and water at about 12:30pm.
DU VC said, President Abdul Hamid and the High Court had directed to hold DUCSU polls. We need some time to arrange the polls as no election was held in last 27 years. We will take necessary steps to hold polls immediately.
Walid Ashraf said, he broke his hunger strike because the VC assured him of DUCSU election. He ended the hunger strike, but will not move away from the demand.
“I will take position on the Memory Eternal premises every evening until DUCSU election is held,” he added.
On December 6, Walid was admitted to Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) in the evening as his health condition deteriorated.
He was injected with saline at the DMCH. He, however, returned to Memory Eternal premises immediately afterwards where he had been living in a tent since November 25.