DU laptop loan receivers to get website training

BSS, Dhaka :
The government will provide basic training on website development and graphics design to first year students of Dhaka University (DU), who will be given loan at low interest rate to buy laptop.
A decision in this regard was taken at a meeting between Education Secretary Nazrul Islam Khan, Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka University Prof Dr A A M S Arefin Siddique and Trust Bank Managing Director Ishtiaque Ahmed Chowdhury on November 17 at the VC’s office. They decided to hold a meeting with Bangladesh Bank soon to launch an education scheme which would ensure low interest rate for first year students of Dhaka University who will receive loan to buy laptop.
“We will not only make an arrangement to give loan to the DU students at low interest rate to buy laptop bust also to take initiative to organize basic training on website and graphic design for them,” said Khan.