DU gets Tk 10 lakh to set up trust funds


Campus Report :
Two new trust funds named ‘Tapan Behari Nag Trust Fund’ have been set up in the Department of Marketing and Law of the Dhaka University (DU). Tapan Behari Nag handed over Tk 10 lakh in two separate Cheques to the university Treasurer Prof Dr Md. Kamal Uddin on Thursday at the office of the Vice-Chancellor to set up these trust funds.
Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr AAMS Arefin Siddique, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic) Prof Dr Nasreen Ahmad, Dean of Faculty of Business Studies Prof Shibli Rubayat-Ul-Islam, Chairman of the Marketing Department Prof Mamtaz Uddin Ahmed and Acting Registrar Syed Rezaur Rahman were present on this occasion.
Out of the income of this donation, every year five students from each Department will be awarded scholarships on the basis of their scores in the honours final examination.
The Vice-Chancellor thanked Tapan Behari Nag and his family members for this generous donation.
