DU dean polls today


UNB, Dhaka :The dean election of the Dhaka University (DU) will be held on Thursday. Voting to choose the deans of nine out of 10 faculties of the university will be held at Nawab Nabab Ali Choudhury Senate Bhaban on the campus from 10am to 2pm, said a DU release on Wednesday.Awami League-supported ‘Blue Panel’ and the ‘White Panel’ blessed byBNP-Jamaat will vie for the dean pots of the nine faculties in the election.Election commissioner and DU Treasurer Prof Dr Kamal Uddin will conduct the polls.Prof Dr ASM Maksud Kamal has been reelected dean of the Earth and Environmental Sciences Faculty unopposed.Meanwhile, both the panels have expressed their optimism about winning the polls. Prof Dr Farid Uddin, President of Dhaka University Teachers’ Association (DUTA) and pro-ruling party Dean of the Social Sciences Faculty, told UNB over phone that their ‘Blue Panel’ will sweep the election as deans of several faculties elected in the last polls from the panel worked for the development of every faculty as well as the university. “We hope teachers will give us another chance to work for them.”Meanwhile, Arts Faculty Dean Prof Dr Sadrul Amin told UNB that all conscious teachers will cast their votes for the While Panel taking into consideration the ‘worse situation’ currently prevailing in the country.
