DSEX reaches new high

Economic Reporter :
Stocks opened the week mixed on Sunday with rising trends of the major indices of country’s two stock exchanges, which took the major price index of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) to a new high despite lower transactions.
DSEX finished the day with 19.79 points up at 5,921.59 which were the highest after the introduction of the DSEX on January 27, 2013. The blue-chip DS30 also followed the same trend with 0.32 point up at 2,126.03. But the Shariah DSES closed the day with 3.14 point down at 1,311.39.
The day’s trade value at DSE decreased to Taka 777.91 crore from Thursday’s Taka 961.93 crore and the daily trade also fell to 25.81 crore share from 31.77 crore shares of the previous session.
At DSE, out of the day’s 329 securities, prices of 102 securities closed higher against 197 gaining issues.
The major gaining issues were Pubali Bank, Uttara Bank, Dutch Bangla Bank, Rupali Bank and Monno Staffler. The major losing issues were BSRM Limited, CAPMBDBLMF, Jute Spinning, Fu Wang Foods and Dhaka Insurance.
BBS Cables topped the turnover followed by IFIC, Fortune, City Bank and Uttara Bank.
The Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) closed the day of the week with upward trend with its major CASPI 74.52 points up at 18,382.50.
At CSE, 242 issues were traded. Of those, 68 closed higher and 151 closed lower while 5.69 crore shares worth Taka 136.85 crore changed hands.