DSE, CSE index lower

UNB, Dhaka :
Key share price index at the country’s twin bourses-Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) — suffered loss on Wednesday, as trading resumed for the 3rd day of the week after a day’s holiday for Victory Day.
The DSE benchmark index, DSEX lost 40.72 points or nearly 0.83 percent to close at 4837.92 on the day. Of the 307 issues traded, 112 gained, 173 suffered loss and 27 remained unchanged.
The value of the traded issues was Tk 284.53 crore at the DSE on Wednesday as against Tk 238.58 crore on the previous trading day (Monday).
The day’s top 10 losers at the DSE were Aziz Pipes, Alltex Industries, RN Spinning Mills, Imam Button, Shinepukur Ceramics, Aramit, ICB AMCL 1st NRB Mutual Fund, Meghna Condensed Milk, EBL NRB Mutual Fund, and Sonargaon Textiles.